Продолжая 20-летнюю традицию инноваций, новые маршрутизаторы с интегрированными услугами серии Cisco 3800 укрепляют лидирующее положение Cisco Systems в области мультисервисной маршрутизации, предоставляя не имеющие равных скорость, производительность и интеллектуальные функции. Прозрачно объединяя современные технологии, адаптируемые сервисы и методы обеспечения безопасности информационного взаимодействия в единую отказоустойчивую систему, маршрутизаторы серии Cisco 3800 обеспечивают простоту установки и управления, помогают упростить и снизить стоимость обслуживания сети, предлагая расширенные возможности для защиты инвестиций.
Архитектура маршрутизаторов с интегрированными услугами семейства Cisco 3800 базируется на архитектуре мощных мультисервисных маршрутизаторов доступа серии Cisco 3700, предлагая дополнительно встроенные функции безопасности, существенно улучшенную производительность и расширенный объем памяти, а также новые интерфейсы высокой плотности. Благодаря достигнутым показателям производительности, доступности и надежности маршрутизаторы серии Cisco 3800 оказываются незаменимыми для критически важных бизнес-приложений, используемых в наиболее сложных рабочих условиях.
Маршрутизаторы с интегрированными услугами Cisco 3800 обладают пропускной способностью, достаточной для обслуживания нескольких интерфейсов Fast Ethernet на одном слоте, позволяют использовать каналы TDM и включают в себя интегрированные схемы распределения питания для модулей, поддерживающих питание по витой паре 802.3af (PoE), допуская в то же время использование существующего ассортимента модульных интерфейсов. Все эти возможности служат гарантией окупаемости инвестиций в сетевую инфраструктуру, позволяя легко расширять сеть и адаптироваться к меняющимся технологиям при развертывании новых услуг и приложений.
Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Routers comes standard with:
Model | Dimensions (H x W x D) |
NME Slots | Redundant Power | Services at Line Rate |
3825 Product page Data Sheet |
2 RU (Rack Unit) 3.5 x 17.1 x 14.7 in. |
2 | External | 1/2 T3 |
3845 Product page Data Sheet |
3 RU (Rack Unit) 5.25 x 17.25 x 16 in. |
4 | Internal | T3 |
Cisco Systems®, Inc. redefines branch office routing with a portfolio of Integrated Services Routers optimized for secure, wire-speed delivery of concurrent data, voice, video, and wireless services. Founded on 20 years of innovation, the Cisco® 3800 Series Integrated Services Routers provide customers with unparalleled network agility, performance, and intelligence. The Cisco 3800 Series transparently integrates advanced technologies, adaptive services, and secure enterprise communications into a single, resilient system. The Cisco 3800 Series routers ease deployment and management, lower network cost and complexity, and provide unmatched investment protection. The Cisco 3800 Series routers feature embedded security processing, generous performance and high memory capacity, and high-density interfaces that deliver the performance, availability, and reliability required for scaling mission-critical security, IP telephony, business video, network analysis, and Web applications in the most demanding enterprise environments. Built for performance, the Cisco 3800 Series routers deliver multiple concurrent services up to wire-speed T3/E3 rates.
Figure 1. Cisco 3825 and Cisco 3845 Integrated Services Router
The integrated services routing architecture of the Cisco 3800 Series is designed to embed and integrate security and voice processing with advanced wired and wireless services for rapid deployment of new applications, including application layer functions, intelligent network services, and converged communications. The Cisco 3800 Series supports the bandwidth requirements for multiple Fast Ethernet interfaces per slot, time-division multiplexing (TDM) interconnections, and fully integrated power distribution to modules supporting 802.3af Power over Ethernet (PoE), while still supporting the existing portfolio of modular interfaces. This ensures continuing investment protection to accommodate network expansion or changes in technology as new services and applications are deployed. By integrating the functions of multiple separate devices into a single compact unit, the Cisco 3800 Series dramatically reduces the cost and complexity of managing remote networks.
The two models, the Cisco 3825 and the Cisco 3845, are available with three optional configurations for AC power, AC power with integrated inline power support, and DC power.
An important component of the Cisco Self-Defending Network, the Cisco 3800 Series features
the industry's most comprehensive security services embedded and integrated within the router, providing customers with a single, resilient platform to rapidly deploy secure networks and applications.
Cisco Integrated Services Routers provide advanced security services and management capabilities such as built-in hardware encryption acceleration, IPSec, VPN (Advanced Encryption Standard [AES], Triple Digital Encryption Standard [3DES], DES and Multiprotocol Label Switching [MPLS]), stateful firewall protection, dynamic intrusion prevention (Intrusion Prevention System [IPS]), and URL filtering support. Cisco IOS security feature sets enable all of these rich security features, as well as applications such as Network Admission Control (NAC), Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN), and Voice and Video Enabled VPN (V3PN).
For ease of management and configuration, the 3800 Series also features the intuitive, Web-based Cisco Router and Security Device Manager (SDM). For secure services management, every Cisco integrated services router supports Secure Shell Protocol Version 2 (SSHv2) and Simple Network Management Protocol Version 3 (SNMPv3) protocols to encrypt the management session.
Figure 2. Secure Network Connectivity with Converged IP Communications
As shown in Figure 2, the Cisco 3800 Series meets the IP Communications needs of midsize to large enterprise branch offices, while delivering industry-leading security within a single routing platform. By embedding voice services inside the router, Cisco provides customers with maximum deployment flexibility, plus higher densities for stations, trunks, and conferencing.
The Cisco 3800 Series routers offer the award-winning Cisco IP Telephony solution for wired and cordless WLAN phones, with Cisco CallManager Express (CME), as an optional feature set embedded within Cisco IOS® Software. This solution is ideal for customers who want to decrease costs and complexity by converging voice and data networks. By adding a Cisco Unity™ Express advanced integration module (AIM) or network module to this solution, small offices and branch offices can take advantage of a complete, all-in-one data, voice-processing, voice-mail, and auto-attendant system. For larger, centralized IP Communications deployments, customers can deploy Survivable Remote Site Telephony (SRST) in their Cisco 3800 Series routers with a central Cisco CallManager for highly scalable, highly available enterprise IP Communications. SRST is an important component of the Cisco end-to-end IP telephony offering, providing feature-rich call-processing redundancy, while taking advantage of the existing infrastructure at the branch office.
Cisco 3800 Series routers also feature the widest range of voice-gateway interfaces, scaling to meet the needs of the smallest to largest branch requirements for voice termination densities using a combination of network modules, extension voice modules (EVMs), voice interface cards (VICs), voice/WAN interface cards (VWICs), and onboard packet voice DSP modules (PVDMs). Customers have unprecedented scalability for supporting up to 24 T1/E1 trunks and 88 foreign-exchange-station (FXS) ports for analog phones, fax machines, key systems, and conference stations.
The Cisco 3800 Series can provide a complete wireless solution for branch offices, small/medium sized businesses, and Wi-Fi hotspots. Wireless services enable greater mobility for employees, partners, and customers, resulting in increased productivity. The Cisco 3800 Series supports an integrated access point for wireless LAN connectivity, Wi-Fi Hotspot services for public access, wireless infrastructure services for cordless WLAN telephony and for larger sites, and land mobile radio over IP for radio users.
Figure 2 also highlights the fact that with the unique integrated services architecture of the Cisco 3800 Series, customers can securely deploy IP Communications with traditional IP routing and still leave the network-module slots available for additional advanced services. With the optional integration of a wide array of services modules, the Cisco 3800 offers the ability to easily integrate the functions of standalone network appliances and components into the Cisco 3800 Series chassis itself. Many of these network modules, such as the Cisco Network Analysis, Cisco Intrusion Detection System, and Cisco Content Engine network modules, have embedded processors and hard drives that allow them to run largely independently of the router, while allowing their management from a single management interface. This flexibility greatly expands the potential applications of the Cisco 3800 Series beyond traditional routing while still maintain the benefits of integration: ease of management, lower solution costs, and increased speed of deployment.
The global economy is increasingly reliant on networked enterprise applications and the Internet as indispensable tools for tackling urgent business challenges. Successful companies require secure, high-performance networks that can quickly adapt to support volatile business conditions, while helping boost competitive advantage and increase network efficiencies. They must invest in network infrastructure that uses essential technologies and easily enables improved models of communication without disruption to core business functions. The Cisco 3800 Series helps companies operate securely in a networked economy and easily implement network services that will improve their business without impacting existing operations or degrading network performance. Table 1 gives further details regarding the features and benefits of the Cisco 3800 Series.
Table 1. Features and Benefits of Cisco 3800 Series
Feature | Benefit |
Architecture Optimized for Services Growth |
Embedded Security Processing and Best-in-Class Security Feature Support/p> | |
Ideal Platform for Integrated IP Telephony |
Integrated Wireless Support |
Investment Protection | Field-upgradeable, modular components are supported on the Cisco 3800 Series, allowing customers to easily change network interfaces without upgrading their entire branch-office network. The Cisco 3800 Series takes advantage of the existing portfolio of WICs, VICs, network modules and AIMs to reduce sparing, training, configuration, installation, and maintenance costs. |
Availability | The Cisco 3800 Series minimizes downtime with availability features, including optional redundant power, Error Checking and Correction (ECC) memory for improved fault isolation and correction, USB Flash memory for ease of image recovery, advanced temperature monitoring and variable-speed cooling fans, Cisco IOS Software Warm Reboot for improved bootup times, network-module online insertion and removal, and field-replaceable components such as fan tray, motherboard, and power supplies (Cisco 3845 only). |
Table 2. Features of Cisco 3825 and Cisco 3845
Cisco 3800 Series Features | Cisco 3825 | Cisco 3845 |
Network-Module Slots: These slots can accommodate a standard network-module, enhanced-network-module (NME), enhanced-extended-network-module (NME-X), and high-density extension module (EVM-HD). The NME-X, when available, will have a wider form factor than the NME. Two side-by-side NME slots can be combined to accommodate one double-wide network module (NMD) or when available, a double-wide enhanced extended network module (NME-XD). | ||
Maximum Number of Network Modules, NMEs, and NME-Xs Supported | 2 | 4 |
Maximum Number of NMD/NME-XDs supported | 1 | 2 |
Maximum Number of EVM-HDs supported | 1 | 2 |
Number of High-Speed WIC (HWIC) Slots: These HWIC slots also support VICs, VWICs, and WICs. | 4 | 4 |
Number of Fixed LAN Ports (fixed RJ-45 port for 10/100/1000 connectivity) | 2 Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000) | 2 Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000) |
Number of Fixed Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) Ports (for SFP Gigabit Ethernet connectivity) | 1 | 1 |
Number of AIM Slots (for optional AIMs for offloading compute-intensive features) | 2 | 2 |
Number of PVDM Slots (for optional PVDM2s) | 4 | 4 |
Number of USB 1.1 Ports (for future use with USB Flash memory, security tokens for secure Cisco IOS Software configuration distribution, and off-platform storage of VPN credentials) | 2 | 2 |
Embedded VPN (hardware-based VPN encryption acceleration) | Yes | Yes |
Number of Console Ports (up to 115.2 kbps) | 1 | 1 |
Number of Auxiliary Ports (up to 115.2 kbps) | 1 | 1 |
Memory-External Compact Flash and internal DDR (Double Data Rate) SDRAM with ECC | |
The Cisco 3800 Series introduces best-in-class routing, security, and voice technologies embedded into the router fabric, making it possible for enterprises to securely deliver concurrent, mission-critical services and applications at wire-speed performance. The Cisco 3800 Series extends network capabilities and productivity from the corporate headquarters to the branch offices for increased operational efficiencies and end-user productivity. The advanced adaptability and modularity of the Cisco 3800 Series routers provides customers with the widest variety of network interfaces and services, including: VPN IPSec, intrusion detection, IP Communications, wireless LAN services, integrated switching, business video, URL filtering, application optimization, DSL, ATM access, and serial device aggregation. By consolidating the functions of multiple, separate services into a single, resilient platform that can be easily managed and deployed, Cisco is providing customers with the industry's leading routing platforms for growth and investment protection.
Table 3 gives the specifications of the Cisco 3825 and the Cisco 3845.
Table 3. Specifications of Cisco 3825 and Cisco 3845
Cisco 3800 Series Features | Cisco 3825 | Cisco 3845 |
Physical Specifications | ||
Dimensions (H x W x D) | ||
Weight (minimum) | 23 lb | 45 lb |
Rack-Mounting | Yes, 19" and 23" options | Yes, 19" and 23" options |
Wall-Mounting | No | No |
Power Specifications | ||
AC-Input Voltage | 100-240 VAC, auto-ranging | 100-240 VAC, auto-ranging |
AC-Input Frequency | 47-63 Hz | 47-63 Hz |
AC-Input Current | ||
AC-IP-Input current | ||
DC-Input Voltage | 24-60 VDC, auto-ranging positive or negative | 24-60 VDC, auto-ranging positive or negative |
DC-Input Current | ||
Output | ||
Redundant Power Supply (RPS) | External only (Cisco RPS 675) | Internal AC, AC-IP, or DC RPS |
Recommended RPS Unit | Cisco RPS 675 | - |
Power Dissipations | ||
Typical Power Dissipation(No Modules) | 52W (177 BTU/hr) | 79W (269 BTU/hr) |
AC Without IP Phone Support | 300W (1025 BTU/hr) | 435W (1485 BTU/hr) |
AC With IP Phone Support-System Only | 370W (1262 BTU/hr) | 555W (1890 BTU/hr) |
AC With IP Phone Support-IP Phones | 360W (1128 BTU/hr) | 360W (1128 BTU/hr) |
DC | 325W (1100 BTU/hr) | 460W (1570 BTU/hr) |
Environmental Specifications | ||
Operating Temperature | 0° to 40°C | 0° to 40°C |
Non-Operating Temperature | -40° to 85°C | -40° to 85°C |
Relative Humidity Non-Condensing | 5-95% non-condensing | 5-95% non-condensing |
Maximum Operating Temperature at Altitude | 40°C @ sea level 40°C @ 1800 m 30°C @ 4000 m 27.2°C 4600 m Note: Derate 1.4°C per 1,000 ft above 6,000 ft |
40°C @ sea level 40°C @ 1800 m 30°C @ 4000 m 27.2°C @ 4600 m Note: Derate 1.4°C per 1,000 ft above 6,000 ft |
Noise Level (minimum) | 50 dBa typical, 53 dBa maximum | 56 dBa typical, 58 dBa maximum |
Table 4 gives the modules supported by the Cisco 3800 Series.
Table 4. Modules Supported by Cisco 3800 Series
Feature | Benefit | |
Small-Form Pluggable (SFP) Optics for Gigabit Ethernet Port | ||
GLC-LH-SM | Gigabit Ethernet SFP, LC connector LX/LH transceiver | |
GLC-SX-MM | Gigabit Ethernet SFP, LC connector SX transceiver | |
GLC-ZX-SM | Gigabit Ethernet 1000BASE-ZX SFP | |
Ethernet Switching Network Modules | ||
NM-16ESW | 16-port 10/100 Cisco EtherSwitch network module | |
NM-16ESW-1GIG | 16-port 10/100 Cisco EtherSwitch network module with 1 Gigabit Ethernet (1000BASE-T) port | |
NM-16ESW-PWR | 16-port 10/100 Cisco EtherSwitch network module with inline power support | |
NM-16ESW-PWR-1GIG | 16-port 10/100 Cisco EtherSwitch network module with inline power and 1 Gigabit Ethernet port | |
NME-16ES-1G-P | One 16-port 10/100 Cisco EtherSwitch service module with 802.3af, 1 10/100/1000 port, and IP Base | |
NME-X-23ES-1G-P | One 23-port 10/100 Cisco EtherSwitch service module with 802.3af, 1 10/100/1000 port w/ 802.3af, and IP Base | |
NME-XD-24ES-2S-P | One 24-port 10/100 Cisco EtherSwitch service module with 802.3af, 1 SFP, Cisco StackWise connectors, and IP Base | |
NME-XD-48ES-2S-P | One 48-port 10/100 Cisco EtherSwitch service module with 802.3af, 2 SFPs, and IP Base | |
NME-16ES-1G | One 16-port 10/100 Cisco EtherSwitch service module, 1 10/100/1000 port and IP Base | |
NM-X-23ES-1G | One 23-port 10/100 Cisco EtherSwitch service module, 1 10/100/1000 port and IP Base | |
LAN Network Modules | ||
NM-1FE-FX-V2 | 1-port Fast Ethernet, revision 2 (100BASE-FX interface) | |
NM-1GE | 1-port Cisco Gigabit Ethernet network module | |
NM-2W | 2-WIC-slot network module (no LAN) | |
NM-1FE1R2W | 1-port 10/100 Ethernet 1-port 4/16 Token Ring 2-WIC-slot network module | |
NM-1FE2W-V2 | 1-port 10/100 Ethernet 2-WIC-slot network module, version 2 | |
NM-2FE2W-V2 | 2-port 10/100 Ethernet 2-WIC-slot network module, version 2 | |
Serial Connectivity Network Modules | ||
NM-1T3/E3 | 1-port clear-channel T3/E3 network module | |
NM-1HSSI | 1-port High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI) network module | |
NM-4T | 4-port serial network module | |
NM-4A/S | 4-port asynchronous/synchronous serial network module | |
NM-8A/S | 8-port asynchronous/synchronous serial network module | |
NM-16A/S | 16-port asynchronous/synchronous serial network nodule | |
NM-16A | 16-port asynchronous serial network module | |
NM-32A | 32-port asynchronous serial network module | |
Channelized T1/E1 and ISDN Network Modules | ||
NM-1CE1T1-PRI | 1-port Channelized E1/T1/ISDN-PRI network module | |
NM-2CE1T1-PRI | 2-port Channelized E1/T1/ISDN-PRI network module | |
NM-4B-S/T | 4-port ISDN BRI network module (S/T interface) | |
NM-4B-U | 4-port ISDN BRI network module with integrated Network Termination 1 (NT1) (U interface) | |
NM-8B-S/T | 8-port ISDN BRI network module (S/T interface) | |
NM-8B-U | 8-port ISDN BRI network module with integrated NT1 (U interface) | |
ATM Network Modules | ||
NM-1A-OC3-POM | 1-port ATM OC-3 module with single pluggable optical module (Small Form Pluggable) slot. Requires one of the following SFPs to provide the optical interface. | |
SFP-OC3-MM | OC3/STM1 SFP, Multi-mode fiber | |
SFP-OC3-IR1 | OC3/STM1 SFP, Single-mode fiber, Intermediate Reach | |
SFP-OC3-LR1 | OC3/STM1 SFP, Single-mode fiber, Long Reach (40km) | |
NM-1A-T3 | 1-port DS-3 ATM network module | |
NM-1A-E3 | 1-port E3 ATM network module | |
Digital Dialup and Remote-Access Network Modules | ||
NM-6DM | 6-digital-modem network module | |
NM-12DM | 12-digital-modem network module | |
NM-18DM | 18-digital-modem network module | |
NM-24DM | 24-digital-modem network module | |
NM-30DM | 30-digital-modem network module | |
Analog Dialup and Remote-Access Network Modules | ||
NM-8AM-V2 | 8-port analog modem network module with v.92 | |
NM-16AM-V2 | 16-port analog modem network module with v.92 | |
Analog and ISDN Basic Rate Voice Network Modules and Accessories | ||
NM-HD-1V | 1-slot IP communications voice/fax network module | |
NM-HD-2V | 2-slot IP communications voice/fax network module | |
NM-HD-2VE | 2-slot IP communications enhanced voice/fax network module | |
NM-HDA-4FXS | High-density analog voice/fax network module with 4-port FXS | |
EM-HDA-8FXS | 8-port FXS voice/fax expansion module | |
EM-HDA-4FXO | 4-port FXO voice/fax expansion module | |
EVM-HD-8FXS/DID | High-density analog (FXS/FXO/DID) and digital (BRI S/T) voice network module | |
EM-HDA-3FXS/4FXO | 7-port voice/fax expansion module-3FXS/4FXO | |
EM-HDA-6FXO | 6-port voice/fax expansion module-FXO | |
EM-4BRI-NT/TE | 4-port voice/fax expansion module-BRI | |
High-Density Voice Network Modules and Accessories | ||
NM-HDV2 | IP communications high-density voice/fax network module | |
NM-HDV2-1T1/E1 | 1-port T1/E1 IP communications high-density voice/fax network module | |
NM-HDV2-2T1/E1 | 2-port T1/E1 IP communications high-density voice/fax network module | |
Application Network Modules | ||
NME-WAE-302-K9 | Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Network Module with 80 GB hard disk and 512 MB memory | |
NME-WAE-502-K9 | Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Network Module with 120 GB hard disk and 1 GB memory | |
NM-CE-BP-40G-K9 | Cisco Content Engine network module, basic performance, 40-GB IDE hard disk | |
NM-CE-BP-80G-K9 | Cisco Content Engine network module, basic performance, 80-GB IDE hard disk | |
NM-CIDS-K9 | Cisco Intrusion Detection System network module | |
NM-CUE | Cisco Unity™ Express voice mail network module | |
NM-CUE-EC | Cisco Unity™ Express voice mail network module with enhanced capacity | |
NM-NAM | Cisco 2600/3660/3700 series network analysis module | |
NM-AIR-WLC6-K9 | Cisco wireless LAN controller network module | |
Circuit Emulation over IP (CEoIP) Network Modules | ||
NM-CEM-4SER | 4 Port Serial Circuit Emulation over IP network module | |
NM-CEM-T1E1 | 4 Port T1/E1 Circuit Emulation over IP network module | |
Satellite Network Modules | ||
NM-1VSAT-GILAT | 2-way satellite WAN connectivity module | |
Wireless HWICs | ||
HWIC-AP-G-AHWIC-AP-G-EHWIC-AP-G-J | 802.11b/g HWIC access point interface card (A-Americas; E-Europe; J-Japan) | |
HWIC-AP-AG-AHWIC-AP-AG-EHWIC-AP-AG-J | 802.11a/b/g HWIC access point interface card (A-Americas; E-Europe; J-Japan) | |
Serial WAN Interface Cards (WIC) and High-Speed WAN Interfaced Cards (HWIC) | ||
HWIC-4T | 4-Port Serial HWIC | |
HWIC-4A/S | 4-Port Async/Sync Serial HWIC | |
HWIC-8A/S-232 | 8-Port Async/Sync Serial HWIC, EIA-232 | |
HWIC-8A | 8-Port Async HWIC | |
HWIC-16A | 16-Port Async HWIC | |
WIC-1T | 1-port high-speed serial WIC | |
WIC-2T | 2-port high-speed serial WIC | |
WIC-2A/S | 2-port asynchronous/synchronous serial WIC | |
Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit (CSU/DSU) WAN Interface Cards | ||
WIC-1DSU-T1-V2 | 1-port T1/Fractional-T1 DSU/CSU WIC | |
WIC-1DSU-56K4 | 1-port 4-wire 56-/64-kbps CSU/DSU WIC | |
ISDN BRI WAN Interface Cards | ||
WIC-1B-U-V2 | 1-port ISDN BRI with integrated NT1 (U interface) | |
WIC-1B-S/T-V3 | 1-port ISDN BRI Wan Interface card for Dial and Lease Line | |
DSL WAN Interface Cards and High-Speed WAN Interfaced Cards (HWIC) | ||
HWIC-1ADSL | 1-port ADSL over POTS HWIC | |
HWIC-1ADSLI | 1-port ADSL over ISDN HWIC | |
HWIC-1ADSL-B/ST | 1-port ADSL over POTS and 1-port ISDN BRI S/T HWIC | |
HWIC-1ADSLI-B/ST | 1-port ADSL over ISDN and 1-port ISDN BRI S/T HWIC | |
HWIC-2SHDSL | 2-port G.SHDSL HWIC with 2-wire and 4-wire support | |
HWIC-4SHDSL | 4-port G.SHDSL HWIC with 2-wire, 4-wire, and 8-wire support | |
WIC-1ADSL | 1-port asymmetric DSL (ADSL) over basic telephone service WIC | |
WIC-1ADSL-DG | 1-port ADSL over basic telephone service with dying-gasp WIC | |
WIC-1ADSL-I-DG | 1-port ADSL over ISDN with dying-gasp WIC | |
WIC-1SHDSL-V3 | 1-port G.shdsl WIC (two or four wire) | |
Cable (DOCSIS-based) HWICs | ||
HWIC-CABLE-D-2 | 1-port DOCSIS 2.0 qualified cable HWIC | |
HWIC-CABLE-E/J-2 | 1-port Euro/J-DOCSIS 2.0 qualified cable HWIC | |
Analog Modem WAN Interface Cards | ||
WIC-1AM-V2 | 1-port analog modem WIC | |
WIC-2AM-V2 | 2-port analog modem WIC | |
T1, E1, and G.703 Multiflex Trunk Voice and WAN Interface Cards | ||
VWIC2-1MFT-T1/E1 | 1-Port T1/E1 Voice / WAN with drop and insert | |
VWIC2-2MFT-T1/E1 | 2-Port T1/E1 Voice / WAN with drop and insert | |
VWIC2-1MFT-G703 | 1-Port T1/E1 Voice / WAN with drop and insert and unstructured E1 (G703) | |
VWIC2-2MFT-G703 | 2-Port T1/E1 Voice / WAN with drop and insert and unstructured E1 (G703) | |
VWIC-1MFT-T1 | 1-port RJ-48 multiflex trunk-T1 | |
VWIC-2MFT-T1 | 2-port RJ-48 multiflex trunk-T1 | |
VWIC-2MFT-T1-DI | 2-port RJ-48 multiflex trunk-T1 with drop and insert | |
VWIC-1MFT-E1 | 1-port RJ-48 multiflex trunk-E1 | |
VWIC-1MFT-G703 | 1-port RJ-48 multiflex trunk-G.703 | |
VWIC-2MFT-E1 | 2-port RJ-48 multiflex trunk-E1 | |
VWIC-2MFT-E1-DI | 2-port RJ-48 multiflex trunk-E1 with drop and insert | |
VWIC-2MFT-G703 | 2-port RJ-48 multiflex trunk-G.703 | |
Voice Interface Cards | ||
VIC-2DID | 2-port DID voice and fax interface card | |
VIC-4FXS/DID | 4-port FXS or DID VIC | |
VIC2-2FXS | 2-port VIC-FXS | |
VIC2-2FXO | 2-port VIC-FXO (universal) | |
VIC2-4FXO | 4-port VIC-FXO (universal) | |
VIC2-2E/M | 2-port VIC-ear and mouth (E&M) | |
VIC2-2BRI-NT/TE | 2-port VIC-BRI (NT and TE) | |
Ethernet Switching High-Speed WAN Interface Cards | ||
HWIC-4ESW | 4-port 10/100 Ethernet switch interface card | |
HWIC-4ESW-POE | 4-port Ethernet switch HWIC with PoE | |
HWIC-D-9ESW | 9-port 10/100 Ethernet switch interface card | |
HWIC-D-9ESW-POE | 9-port Ethernet switch HWIC with PoE | |
Ethernet High-Speed WAN Interface Cards | ||
HWIC-1FE | 1-port Fast Ethernet HWIC | |
HWIC-2FE | 2-port Fast Ethernet HWIC | |
HWIC-1GE-SFP | Cisco Gigabit Ethernet High-Speed Interface Card | |
Advanced Integration Modules | ||
AIM-ATM | High-performance ATM segmentation and reassembly (SAR) advanced integration module | |
AIM-ATM-1E1 | High Performance ATM AIM/E1 Bundle, AIM-ATM with VWIC-1MFT-E1 | |
AIM-ATM-1T1 | High Performance ATM AIM/T1 Bundle, AIM-ATM with VWIC-1MFT-T1 | |
AIM-ATM-1T1/E1 | T1/E1 ATM bundle includes 1 VWIC2-1MFT-T1/E1 and 1 AIM-ATM | |
AIM-ATM-4T1/E1 | T1/E1 ATM bundle includes 2 VWIC2-2MFT-T1/E1s and 1 AIM-ATM | |
AIM-ATM-4T1 | 4 port ATM IMA bundle | |
AIM-ATM-4E1 | 4 port ATM IMA bundle | |
AIM-COMPR4 | Data compression advanced integration module | |
AIM-CUE | Cisco Unity Express voice mail advanced integration module | |
AIM-VPN/SSL-3 | DES/3DES/AES/SSL VPN Encryption/Compression Advanced Integration Module (AIM) with IP version 6 encryption . Supported on 3825 and 3845 | |
AIM-VPN/EPII-PLUS | Enhanced-performance DES/3DES/AES and compression VPN encryption advanced integration module | |
AIM-VPN/HPII-PLUS | High-performance DES/3DES/AES and compression VPN encryption advanced integration module | |
Packet Voice Data Modules | ||
PVDM2-8 | 8-channel fax and voice DSP module | |
PVDM2-16 | 16-channel fax and voice DSP module | |
PVDM2-32 | 32-channel fax and voice DSP module | |
PVDM2-48 | 48-channel fax and voice DSP module | |
PVDM2-64 | 64-channel fax and voice DSP module | |
Digital Modem Packet Voice/Data Modules | ||
PVDM2-12DM | 12 Port Digital Modem Module | |
PVDM2-24DM | 24 Port Digital Modem Module | |
PVDM2-36DM | 36 Port Digital Modem Module | |
USB Flash Storage | ||
MEMUSB-64FT | 64MB USB Flash | |
MEMUSB-128FT | 128MB USB Flash | |
MEMUSB-256FT | 256MB USB Flash | |
Compact Flash | ||
MEM3800-64CF | 64MB Compact Flash | |
MEM3800-128CF | 128MB Compact Flash | |
MEM3800-256CF | 256MB Compact Flash | |
MEM3800-512CF | 512MB Compact Flash |
To place an order, visit the Cisco Ordering Home Page. Table 5 gives further ordering information for the Cisco 3800 Series.
Table 5. Ordering Information for Cisco 3800 Series
Cisco 3800 Series Features | Cisco 3845 |
CISCO3825 | Cisco 3825 integrated services router with two Gigabit Ethernet fixed LAN ports, one Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) slot, two enhanced network modules (NMEs), four high-speed WAN interface cards (HWICs), two Advanced Integration Module (AIM) slots, four PVDM slots, Cisco IP Base software, and AC power |
CISCO3825-AC-IP | Cisco 3825 integrated services router with two Gigabit Ethernet fixed LAN ports, one SFP slot, two NMEs, four HWICs, two AIM slots, four PVDM slots, Cisco IP Base software, and Inline Power |
CISCO3825-DC | Cisco 3825 integrated services router with two Gigabit Ethernet fixed LAN ports, one SFP slot, two NMEs, four HWICs, two AIM slots, four PVDM slots, Cisco IP Base software, and DC power |
CISCO3845 | Cisco 3845 integrated services router with two Gigabit Ethernet fixed LAN ports, one SFP slot, four NMEs, four HWICs, two AIM slots, 4 PVDM slots Cisco IP Base software, and AC power |
CISCO3845-AC-IP | Cisco 3845 integrated services router with two Gigabit Ethernet fixed LAN ports, one SFP slot, four NMEs, four HWICs, two AIM slots, four PVDM slots, Cisco IP Base software, and Inline Power |
CISCO3845-DC | Cisco 3845 integrated services router with two Gigabit Ethernet fixed LAN ports, one SFP slot, four NMEs, four HWICs, two AIM slots, four PVDM slots, Cisco IP Base software, and DC power |
Voice Bundles | |
CISCO3825-V/K9 | 3825 Voice Bundle, PVDM2-64, SP Serv,64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
CISCO3825-SRST/K9 | 3825 Voice Bundle with PVDM2-64, FL-SRST-168, SP Serv, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
CISCO3825-CCME/K9 | 3825 Voice Bundle with PVDM2-64, FL-CCME-168, SP Serv, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
CISCO3845-V/K9 | 3845 Voice Bundle, PVDM2-64, SP Serv, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
CISCO3845-SRST/K9 | 3845 Voice Bundle with PVDM2-64, FL-SRST-240, SP Serv, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
CISCO3845-CCME/K9 | 3845 Voice Bundle with PVDM2-64, FL-CCME-240, SP Serv, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
Secure Voice Bundles | |
CISCO3825-V3PN/K9 | 3825 V3PN bundle with AIMVPN, PVDM2-64, CCME-168, AdvIPSvc, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
CISCO3845-V3PN/K9 | 3845 V3PN bundle, AIM-VPN, PVDM2-64, CCME-240, AdvIPServ, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
C3825-VSEC/K9 | 3825 Voice Security Bundle, PVDM2-64, Adv IP Serv, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
C3825-VSEC-CCME/K9 | 3825 VSEC Bundle with PVDM2-64, FL-CCME-168, Adv IP Serv, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
C3825-VSEC-SRST/K9 | 3825 VSEC Bundle with PVDM2-64, FL-SRST-168, Adv IP Serv, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
C3845-VSEC/K9 | 3845 Voice Security Bundle, PVDM2-64, Adv IP Serv, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
C3845-VSEC-CCME/K9 | 3845 VSEC Bundle with PVDM2-64, FL-CCME-240, Adv IP Serv, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
C3845-VSEC-SRST/K9 | 3845 VSEC Bundle with PVDM2-64, FL-SRST-240, Adv IP Serv, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
C3825-BIAB-24/K9 | CISCO3825-AC-IP, 24-port switch, AIM-CUE, PVDM2-64, AISK9 |
C3845-BIAB-24/K9 | CISCO3845-AC-IP, 24-port switch, NM-CUE, PVDM2-64, AISK9 |
C3845-BIAB-48/K9 | CISCO3845-AC-IP, 48-port switch, NM-CUE, PVDM2-64, AISK9 |
Security Bundles | |
CISCO3825-SEC/K9 | 3825 Security Bundle, Advanced Security, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
CISCO3845-SEC/K9 | 3845 Security Bundle, Advanced Security, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
CISCO3825-HSEC/K9 | 3825 Security Bundle, AIM-VPN/EPII-PLUS, Adv. IP Serv, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
CISCO3845-HSEC/K9 | 3845 Security Bundle, AIM-VPN-HPII-PLUS, Adv. IP Serv, 64 MB Flash, 256 MB DRAM |
CISCO-FIPS-KIT= | Tamper Proof for 80/18/28/38/72/73 Routers and ASA |
Table 6 gives the Cisco IOS Software feature sets that the Cisco 3825 and the Cisco 3845 support.
Table 6. Cisco IOS Software Feature Sets that Cisco 3825 and Cisco 3845 Support
Cisco IOS Software Feature Sets | Cisco 3825 | Cisco 3845 |
IP Base | S382IPBK9 | S384IPBK9 |
IP Base without encryption | S382IPB | S384IPB |
IP VOICE | S382IPVK9 | S384IPVK9 |
IP VOICE without encryption | S382IPV | S384IPV |
ENTERPRISE BASE without encryption | S382EB | S384EB |
ENTERPRISE SERVICES without encryption | S382ES | S384ES |
Table 7 lists the IOS feature licenses available for the Cisco 3800 Series.
Table 7. IOS feature licenses for the Cisco 3800 Series
Part Number | Cisco IOS Feature License Description |
Call Manager Express and Survivable Remote Site Telephony Feature Licenses | |
FL-CCME-144 | Cisco CallManager Express Feat License Up To 144 Phones |
FL-CCME-168 | Cisco CallManager Express Feat License Up To 168 Phones |
FL-CCME-192 | Cisco CallManager Express Feat License Up To 192 Phones |
FL-CCME-240 | Cisco CallManager Express Feat License Up To 240 Phones |
FL-SRST-168 | Feat Lic Survivable Remote Site Telephony Up To 168 Phones |
FL-SRST-240 | Feat Lic Survivable Remote Site Telephony up to 240 Phones |
FL-SRST-336 | Feat Lic Survivable Remote Site Telephony Up To 336 Phones |
FL-SRST-720 | Feat Lic Survivable Remote Site Telephony Up To 720 Phones |
Land Mobile Radio Feature License | |
FL-LMR | Land Mobile Radio Feature License (2600XM, 2691, 2811, 2821, 2851, 3700, 3800) |
Voice XML Feature Licenses | |
FL-VXML-1 | VoiceXML Feature License For 1 Session |
FL-VXML-12 | VoiceXML Feature License Up To 12 Sessions |
IP Mobility Gateway Feature Licenses | |
FL-IPMOBGW-100= | IP Mobility Gateway Feature Set-up to 100 Users |
FL-IPMOBGW-500= | IP Mobility Gateway Feature Set-up to 500 Users |
FL-IPMOBGW-1000= | IP Mobility Gateway Feature Set-up to 1000 Users |